Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

Changes to the PCI DSS v4.0 standard and their impact on your organization in 2024

Майстер-клас: секрети випікання найсмачніших млинців!

The PCI DSS certification industry is preparing for changes that are essential to know. It is known that since 2018, the current version of the PCI DSS standard is v3.2.1. It will be canceled by March 31, 2024. The transition to the new PCI DSS v4.0 standard is mandatory for organizations dealing with payment data security. We are adding some key recommendations to facilitate this transition.
1.The most crucial task is to start the process of your organization's transition to PCI DSS v4.0 now. With the PCI DSS v3.2.1 withdrawal date coming soon, it's essential to be prepared. The sooner you understand the requirements PCI DSS v4.0 imposes on your organization, the sooner you can start planning and prioritizing to ensure an effective transition.
2.It is important to follow all the necessary security measures in the previous version of the standard, PCI DSS v3.2.1 when implementing changes to comply with PCI DSS v4.0. All existing PCI DSS security controls should be maintained even when the focus is on implementing the new requirements for version 4.0.If your organization is undergoing PCI DSS certification for the first time, it is essential to familiarize yourself with and consider all the requirements of the updated version of PCI DSS v4.0.We recommend starting with the "Summary of Changes Between PCI DSS v3.2.1 and PCI DSS v4.0" to better understand the changes in PCI DSS v4.0. This document is available in the PCI SSC Document Library and provides a helpful overview of the differences between the two versions of the standard. It also includes a table entitled "Summary of New Requirements" that lists all the new requirements, how they apply, and their effective dates.In addition, there is a lot of additional information that helps to better understand the requirements and explains the new concepts introduced in PCI DSS v4.0, such as Target Risk Analysis and Network Security Controls.Organizations that use the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) should also familiarize themselves with the Standard, as the detailed guidance provided for each requirement is not included in the SAQ documents. There have been updates directly to the SAQ, so it is important that self-assessors read the updated SAQ to understand all the changes.
3.Analyze what changes your organization will face after reviewing all the requirements of PCI DSS v4.0. Consider how the transition to the new version 4.0 will affect your business processes and IT infrastructure in general. Your organization may already meet some of the requirements of version 4.0 and you can prioritize the transition where it is most needed. This focus will help save time and resources.A detailed analysis of the changes will help your organization to be better prepared and to transition to PCI DSS v4.0 easily and efficiently.
4.As you transition to PCI DSS v4.0, be sure to consider which compliance approach is best for your organization, given the two main options - a defined approach and a customized approach.The defined approach uses the traditional method of implementing and validating PCI DSS requirements, following the requirements and testing procedures described in the standard.A customized approach allows organizations to create security systems tailored to individual requirements. If you are considering a customized approach, ensure you understand and meet all the additional risk analysis and documentation requirements before attempting to validate a personalized approach.If you are using compensating controls to meet the requirements of PCI DSS v3.2.1, be sure to review the updated requirements and validation options in v4.0 to determine the best approach.Choosing the right compliance assurance approach will ultimately depend on your organization's security strategy and risk management approach. Carefully consider both options to select the right approach for your organization.
5.When transitioning to the new version of the PCI DSS v4.0 standard, it is necessary to inform the heads of all departments involved in the certification process. Ensuring that everyone understands their role, tasks, and expectations is essential. Responsibilities for the entire certification process should be clearly defined.Effective project management is critical to a successful transition. It involves a commitment to the action plan and systematic tracking of results.Documenting all steps in detail is an essential recommendation. Create policies and procedures to support the ongoing and systematic implementation of security measures. Please note that PCI DSS v4.0 also introduces new documentation requirements, and it is important to consider this fact in your work.
6.When implementing all the necessary measures to transition to the PCI DSS v4.0 standard, it is wise to turn to qualified auditors who will help you complete the compliance certification process efficiently and quickly. We recommend cooperating with a reliable IT Specialist team with extensive experience in this area.Use technologies and solutions that have been tested and meet security standards to protect payment data. The PCI SSC regularly publishes lists of products and solutions that PCI SSC standards have validated. It includes Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) solutions, validated payment processing software, and approved point-of-sale devices (PTS Devices).
7.The best way to prepare for a PCI DSS assessment is to conduct a self-assessment, so you should start as soon as possible.Regular self-assessments help identify areas that require attention and improvement. It allows you to prioritize the correction of identified shortcomings.Regular penetration tests are also helpful in verifying the effectiveness of security measures on all systems and areas to be assessed.
8.PCI DSS v4.0 was developed to support long-term and continuous processes to ensure payment data security. The new version of the standard brings additional flexibility that, for the first time, allows organizations to choose the security controls that best meet their business and security needs. This approach will enable organizations that continuously improve their PCI DSS security controls throughout the year to avoid recurring cases where new security breaches arise after short periods of compliance that require emergency remediation after each assessment.By continuously focusing on security, organizations can increase confidence in their PCI DSS v4.0 certification and reduce the risk of cybersecurity issues.
9.Representatives of already certified organizations know how difficult it is to maintain compliance with the PCI DSS standard over time, as IT infrastructure is constantly changing. Various software tools are available to track changes in the payment card environment effectively. One of them is the ITS Inventory software solution developed by our company.
ITS Inventory integrates seamlessly into any IT infrastructure without installing additional agents. It allows IT and security managers to get a real-time compliance status and identify deviations with possible correction. The program can download a library of external standards, including PCI DSS v4.0, ISO 27001, NBU 95, and NIST CSF. With the help of the ITS Inventory graphical interface, you can quickly identify and fix compliance issues.
We recommend using the ITS Inventory to automate compliance monitoring in preparation for certification and maintain compliance throughout the year. It allows you to use time and resources efficiently.
You are welcome to consult with our professional auditors at IT Specialist, who are ready to provide support and answer all your certification questions.