Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

Check Points cybersecurity forecasts for 2024

Майстер-клас: секрети випікання найсмачніших млинців!

The number of weekly cyberattacks increased by 8% in the second quarter. Threats such as ransomware and hacktivism evolved, and criminal groups modified their methods and tools to influence organizations around the world.
Some of Check Point Software Technologies key cybersecurity predictions for 2024:● As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, the tools of cybercriminals are also rapidly improving. Investment in AI will continue to grow. To stay ahead of the curve and avoid threats, you need to be ahead of the curve and innovate faster.● An increase in cyberattacks on critical infrastructure will lead to a shift to a zero-trust model that requires verification from everyone trying to connect to the system.● Even as organizations strengthen their defenses against ransomware, data loss and breaches will likely increase.● The Russian-Ukrainian war is an essential marker in the “cyberwar” waged by nation-states. Since the geopolitical conflict will continue, most cyberattacks will be hacktivist activities next year, including DDoS attacks.● Deepfakes technology is evolving. Content using this technology is usually used to influence public opinion, change stock prices, etc.