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Secured integration to the future

Features of PCI 3DS security standard

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The PCI Security Standards Consortium (PCI SSC) has developed and implemented the PCI 3-D Secure (3DS) standard. It defines physical and logical security requirements to protect environments where ACS, DS, and/or 3DSS functions are performed.
The PCI 3DS standard establishes the security controls necessary to protect environments where certain 3DS functions are performed but does not describe how an organization must comply with the EMV® 3-D Secure Protocol and Core Functions specification.

The standard applies to environments where ACS, DS, and/or 3DSS functions are performed, including issuers and service providers that provide ACS, DS, and/or 3DSS services.

PCI 3DS certification must be conducted annually, like PCI DSS certification.
The PCI 3DS standard consists of two parts:
1. A shortened version of the PCI DSS requirements. Suppose the organization already has PCI DSS certification. In that case, this part is excluded during PCI 3DS certification, and compliance is verified by reviewing the previously issued PCI DSS AoC (Attestation of Compliance).2. PCI 3DS requirements. It includes 7 sections and 75 detailed requirements.
After successful PCI 3DS certification, an organization receives a certificate of compliance and completed and verified Reports on Compliance (RoC) and Attestation of Compliance (AoC).
We invite you to get PCI 3-D Secure (3DS) certification.