Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

From idea to reality: the history of the creation and development of the modern cyber academy CyberIN

Від ідеї до реальності: історія створення та розвитку cучасної кіберакадемії CyberIN

Every company in the world is a unique model that reflects the essence of the state as a whole, whether in miniature or, sometimes, in full scale. Our company IT Specialist is no exception. Year after year, we have been tracking various positive and negative trends. Thanks to constant communication and interaction in the IT community, it became clear that specific directions are more than just a problem for a single company. If in the 90s there were some trends, then with the global crisis of 2008, the trends took on different shades, the world changed, and there was a feeling that the course of development was also becoming different.
In 2019, a terrible Covid appeared, which put all development and business processes on hold. A little time passed, and in 2022, a full-scale invasion of Ukraine began. New demands and new problems instantly arose that few people had ever encountered. The main trends identified since 2019 are that people have a small social circle and are unable or unwilling to expand and develop it. While this is normal for a person at a particular stage, it is a significant obstacle for a society that seeks to create and quickly share knowledge and experience.
Another trend that has penetrated almost all areas of life is online education and remote work. This trend has brought a lot of new things: more free time, cost savings on commuting, and more. Choosing an individual schedule and working hours has become the norm, not the exception. Learning has also changed - learning quickly and diversely is possible, selecting speakers according to your preferences.
But, at the same time, many worldwide have already begun to notice inevitable negative consequences that we will all gradually feel. And shortly, these adverse effects may become more widespread and global. An unavoidable decline in the quality of education is predicted. The ability to choose a course of study will significantly narrow one's horizons and awareness. The worst thing is the fascination with specific charismatic speakers who teach their students inaccurate knowledge. Such speakers mislead people and lead to bitter disappointment, which stops the desire to learn for a long time. We all remember the scandal surrounding the so-called psychologist Spartak Subota.
Specific Ukrainian trends from 2022 are increased anxiety, total fatigue from sleepless nights, and psychological and emotional swings against the backdrop of national and personal tragedies. All these trends affect everyone profoundly or superficially, even if we do not realize it and do our work with a smile.
This period is especially difficult for young people, who still have bright eyes and ambitious plans for the future. We all understand that it is important to have professional, reputable and reliable people around you at this stage of your life. You can turn to them and get support and advice that will help you build a difficult but reliable path to this dreamy future.

And now, the question may arise: what does this have to do with us, the Ukrainian company IT Specialist, which has been professionally engaged in cyber defense since 2014?

We are a company whose roots go back to the distant 90s. Observing trends and continuous development have made us one of the leaders in the cybersecurity services market. We are proud of all our employees, among the best specialists in Ukraine and possibly beyond.
It is a team of true professionals specializing in cybersecurity, international audit, pentesting, SOC building, and other areas. Another essential thing to note is that the IT Specialist is a GOLD partner of IBM and the only ELIT Partner of Check Point in Ukraine. We also cooperate with more than a hundred global vendors.
After carefully analyzing current trends, we held several strategic planning and brainstorming sessions. Each of us felt a social obligation to create a modern professional cyber academy incorporating the latest information and cybersecurity knowledge. At the same time, it was decided that we would promote the development of the most critical skill - communication. 
Such an academy should be modern, innovative, and professional - this is the crucial idea we took as a basis and started working on to realize our goal.


CyberIN is our cyber academy


We have set up our own training space based on IT Specialist and formed a team of speakers from leading and experienced professionals. Currently, the list of speakers includes 12 people, including:

    Director of the division providing services for the development, implementation, and support of security solutions;
    Director of Business Process Automation, Integration and Audit;
    Head of the Information Security Solutions Implementation Department;
    Director of External and Internal Communications/HRD;
    Head of the Information Security Certification and Audit Department;
    Senior System Engineer;

    Head of SOC.

Such involvement of professionals and their sincere desire to share their experience with young people could not but bear fruit.
As of the fall of 2023, CyberIN has already completed two intakes and is currently enrolling the third batch. During this period, we received over 500 applications and conducted over 200 interviews with those wishing to take free cybersecurity training.
Such interest from people is the leading indicator of the success and popularity of our cyber academy.
To have reliable data on the growing popularity of CyberIN, we surveyed the third cohort. It turned out that 40% of the students came to study after positive feedback from friends who had already completed their studies at CyberIN. They say that the best advertising is word of mouth because you can't buy it for money.
Cybersecurity training is a student and youth course, but we do not set age restrictions and give all ages with basic technical knowledge a chance to participate in the training.

Our alums include current or former students:


Kyiv Polytechnic Institute


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


National Aviation University


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics


Mariupol State University


Kyiv College of Communications


Kyiv National Economic University


State University of Information and Communication Technologies

We are pleased to know that not only students but also teachers recommend CyberIN as an additional education in cybersecurity. Such recommendations are precious because gaining trust among university professors is very difficult.
As a result of the first two streams, we helped 49 people understand the field of cybersecurity better and gave them a vision of what professions exist in the world of information technology. They gained fundamental and, most importantly, professional knowledge. More than twenty students were offered an offer at our IT Specialist company or recommended to work for our partners.
We are proud of the successes and achievements of each of our students!
Our greatest strength is that CyberIN speakers are not only experts in their field but also become mentors for students. No question is left unattended. The question's complexity, depth, and profile motivate them to find the answer and help the student. Such communication between the speaker and the student can continue after graduation.

The described results look excellent and impressive, and not only our students learn cybersecurity, but also the speakers. The cybersecurity courses gave us positive emotions and vivid insights and generated problems and challenges that we learned to overcome. And from those we still need to overcome, we learned lessons and continued looking for solutions.
During COVID-19, students got used to online learning but needed the habit and strength to sit through a complicated, intense, and engaging classroom. After all, one day of study at a cyber academy lasts from 3 to 5 hours with short coffee breaks. This factor forced us to adjust the schedule to balance the complexity and workload of the training. We did our best to ensure students learned flexibility and adaptability to master a large body of knowledge and endurance for monotonous but essential work.
Since universities are different, courses of study are various, and the preparation of each student is other, the program had to be adapted and redesigned in the training course. Our goal is not just to deliver cybersecurity courses but to significantly contribute to the development and professionalism of students and the cyber community in Ukraine. Regular air raids, missile attacks, and blackouts forced the CyberIn team to be creative and use different tools and teaching methods. And our students were incredibly focused. During the missile attacks, the training continued in the bomb shelter, and the students' enthusiasm and motivation increased often!
Our students exemplify resilience, giving us inspiration and impetus to continue creating.That's why CyberIN is currently hosting the 3rd stream of training, and at the same time, we already have new plans and aspirations.

We plan to launch new projects in 2024. They will also be aimed at improving and enhancing cybersecurity education and knowledge. Some projects will continue to be related to young people who want to find their way in this world, and some projects will be aimed at improving knowledge and sharing experiences among the best cybersecurity professionals in Ukraine. The first step in this will be the online webinar "Automation of Security Operation Center using IBM solutions," which will take place on 05.12.2023.
This webinar is for CISOs, SOC managers, and other cybersecurity professionals. This webinar is for true professionals.
There are many plans! You can follow CyberIN on our website or social networks, choose activities, and participate in them.
We are creating the future of Ukraine together!
Join the modern cyber academy CyberIN.
