Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

CyberIN has been shortlisted for the annual HR Pro Awards

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We are proud that we created a cool educational project, CyberIN!
CyberIN is a modern cyber academy for talented Ukrainian youth seeking to acquire new knowledge and skills that align with current global cybersecurity trends. We launched this educational project in the autumn of 2022 despite our country's difficulties. Giving the future generation hope and a chance in such a difficult time is crucial!
Many people know about the existence of the All-Ukrainian annual award for HR professionals, the HR Pro Awards.
Link to the official website:
Our cyber academy CyberIN was shortlisted as the best project in Training and Development.
The CyberIN educational project deserves to be on the list of the best, as youth development is a significant contribution to the future of Ukraine! CyberIN aims to provide students of technical universities with knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, introduce them to modern tools and methodologies, and help them improve their soft skills.
CyberIN graduates receive a lot of knowledge and skills for free, which will help them quickly join any company and work effectively. These are future professionals who are taking the first steps to launch their careers successfully and will soon become a reliable cyber shield for our country!

The final of the competition will take place in September 2023, and we are all keeping our fingers crossed for CyberIN's victory.