Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

ITS Engine Platform (ITS EP)

A platform for managing and orchestrating scripts, microservices, and web applications for automating SOC processes. The ITS Engine Platform software solution supports the deployment of two types of applications:
● Full-featured web applications with a complete client interface and the ability to interact through a custom GUI.● Automation scripts and plugins for solving routine tasks.

Key Advantages of the Platform


The platform provides a secure and isolated runtime environment for each plugin, eliminating potential dependency conflicts, compatibility, and security issues.

A role-based access control mechanism (User, Admin, or customized roles) ensures that only authorized users can access critical platform functions and individual applications.

The platform allows you to manage all applications and SOC automation modules centrally.

ITS Engine Platform offers flexible integration via REST API, which allows you to easily integrate the platform with other systems and adapt the solution to individual business needs.

ITS Engine Platform provides easy maintenance and updating of automation scripts, flexibility in operation, and the ability to run on schedule.

Solution scalability and ease of integration

Flexible role-based access model

Isolated runtime environment

Unified script management system

Orchestration and centralized application management

Key Advantages of the Platform


Isolated runtime environment.The platform provides a secure and isolated runtime environment for each plugin, eliminating potential dependency conflicts, compatibility, and security issues.

Solution scalability and ease of integration.ITS Engine Platform offers flexible integration via REST API, which allows you to easily integrate the platform with other systems and adapt the solution to individual business needs.

Orchestration and centralized application management.The platform allows you to manage all applications and SOC automation modules centrally.

Flexible role-based access model.A role-based access control mechanism (User, Admin, or customized roles) ensures that only authorized users can access critical platform functions and individual applications.

Unified script management system.ITS Engine Platform provides easy maintenance and updating of automation scripts, flexibility in operation, and the ability to run on schedule.

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