Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

IT Specialist congratulates Check Point on its 30th anniversary!

IT Specialist вітає компанію Check Point з 30-річчям!

Reliable and mutual trust during cooperation is critical, especially in the face of the constant threat of cybersecurity.
Check Point is a leader in creating a consolidated cybersecurity architecture that integrates all network, cloud, endpoint, and mobile security aspects.
Customers and partners have trusted Check Point to protect their networks and data for 30 years.
We wish the company inexhaustible energy for new achievements and innovation for developing reliable cyber defense!

Your hard work and dedication to product improvement allow us to provide our customers with the highest level of cyber protection.

We are proud that in 2023, IT Specialist became the only Ukrainian Check Point Elite Partner. This recognition demonstrates our competence, experience, and willingness to provide the best information security solutions and services.

IT Specialist continues to work hard with Check Point to achieve even greater success. Together, we help our customers confidently face the challenges of the modern cyber world.

Best wishes,
IT Specialist