Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

IT Specialist Shares Expertise with Students: Vladyslav Dubov's Lecture at KNUCA

Майстер-клас: секрети випікання найсмачніших млинців!


Our company continues to support educational initiatives and share our expertise with students. In May, our colleague Vladyslav Dubov delivered an engaging and insightful lecture to students from the Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering Department at Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA).

During his lecture on the "Methods for Protecting Distributed Information Resources" subject, Vladyslav shared his knowledge and practical experience with aspiring professionals. He delved into contemporary cybersecurity and computer technology trends, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of professionals' real-world challenges and tasks. The lecture covered network security, workspace protection, cloud security, and the latest tools and methods for addressing vulnerabilities in these niches.

Conducting such lectures is a key element of our strategy to collaborate with educational institutions and foster talented youth who will become specialists in the Ukrainian cybersecurity market.

About KNUCA's Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering Department

The Cybersecurity and Computer Engineering Department at Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture is one of Ukraine's leading educational institutions that train cybersecurity and information technology specialists. The department maintains continuous collaboration with top companies, providing students with access to current knowledge and practical experience, notably from experts at IT Specialist.