Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

Organizing Employee Cybersecurity Awareness with ITS CSAT

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Cybersecurity Awareness Tracker (ITS CSAT)

Despite evolving cybersecurity trends, one constant remains: attackers, often employees, seek the weakest link in an organization. This article explores ITS CSAT, a tool designed to increase employee knowledge of key cybersecurity concepts, helping protect your company from phishing, social engineering, and other cyber threats.

The Challenge of Cybersecurity Ignorance

According to IBM, over 90% of cyberattacks are due to human error. With phishing attacks on the rise, educating employees on cybersecurity is critical to avoiding costly breaches. However, training employees in this field presents several challenges:
● Engaging employees in learning.● Tracking their progress and comprehension.● Dividing responsibility for training between HR and cybersecurity specialists.● Integrating training tools with corporate systems and databases.● Automating the training and testing process for efficiency.
Most importantly, training must be effective and delivered promptly.

What is ITS CSAT?

ITS Cybersecurity Awareness Tracker (CSAT) is a comprehensive solution that offers personalized training, phishing simulations, and continuous monitoring of employee awareness. The system allows organizations to manage other platforms responsible for training employees, ensuring each program is tailored to the needs of specific groups or individuals.
Key features include:● Integration with information systems for streamlined processes.● Data collection and analysis on employee awareness.● Customizable learning programs for targeted employee groups.● Simulation of real-world cyberattacks, allowing staff to respond to realistic threats.● Real-time performance tracking and feedback for employees needing additional training.● Comprehensive analytics for evaluating the overall success and progress of your workforce’s cybersecurity awareness.

Why ITS CSAT is Essential

ITS CSAT helps organizations mitigate risks by reducing the likelihood of human error through regular training and attack simulations. The system integrates seamlessly with platforms like Active Directory, Sharepoint, and SAP, making it easier to identify which employees need training while minimizing the workload on cybersecurity teams. Simulated attacks keep learning to engage and allow the identification of high-risk employees for additional attention.
Additionally, ITS CSAT collects valuable analytics to monitor progress, ensuring a continuous cycle of learning and improvement, thereby reducing incidents tied to employee mistakes.

Key Business Benefits of ITS CSAT

1. Streamlining Operations:By automating routine training tasks and simulations, ITS CSAT saves 15-20 hours per month for cybersecurity experts, enabling them to focus on more strategic activities.
2. Resource Efficiency:The system automatically adjusts each employee’s training based on test results, reducing the need for additional staff and optimizing current personnel, thereby cutting costs.
3. Measurable Impact:Ongoing cybersecurity training reduces incidents caused by human error. Regular training sessions help reduce breaches and unauthorized access by up to 50%, making this one of the best investments in your organization’s cybersecurity.

How ITS CSAT Supports HR Specialists

ITS CSAT simplifies HR’s role in implementing cybersecurity training by consolidating all data into a single database. This allows HR teams to analyse weak points among employees and gain insights into company-wide trends in cybersecurity awareness.
Additionally, the user-friendly interface ensures that non-technical specialists can easily track employee progress. Integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS) further expands HR’s ability to plan and execute training activities.

Conclusion: A Comprehensive Tool for Cybersecurity Awareness

ITS CSAT is a must-have solution for improving employee cybersecurity awareness. It helps streamline training processes, develops practical skills through attack simulations, saves time and resources for security professionals, and ultimately reduces incidents caused by human error.
This tool is beneficial for organizations of all sizes, particularly those with large teams and complex infrastructures. To learn more about how ITS CSAT can be implemented in your organization, reach out to our specialists via the contact form on our website. IT Specialist consultants will help you find a tailored solution and provide all the necessary details about ITS CSAT.

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