Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

Safeguarding Active Directory with Tenable Identity Exposure

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Why Protecting Active Directory Is Crucial?

Active Directory (AD) is one of the most pivotal technologies in user management and authentication within computer networks. Active Directory (AD) stores essential IT infrastructure data, including user credentials like usernames, passwords, and contact details. It also manages access rights and shares this information with authorized users. Furthermore, AD centrally controls user access and authentication across the organisation, making it a prime target for hackers. Typically, an attack aims to gain privileged access, originating outside the organisation and then spreading through the network and endpoints, ultimately threatening critical data and assets.

As demonstrated by practice, traditional tools often lack effectiveness. Common AD protection methods, such as the Security Configuration Wizard (SCW), Security Compliance Manager (SCM), Desired State Configuration (DSM), Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS), and protected user groups, commonly lack reach. Consequently, many environments remain vulnerable as solutions address individual hosts, certain security configurations, and specific types of attacks.

A multifaceted approach is essential for comprehensive AD protection, encompassing vulnerability detection, prioritisation of fixes, real-time monitoring, and defence against attacks. Tenable has developed an Identity Exposure solution to address this need, leveraging intelligent data analysis, seamless integration with other security tools, and effectively safeguarding your organisation's AD.

This article is part of a series about Tenable's solutions, usage scenarios, and the advantages of this platform for organisations striving to optimise their cybersecurity processes.

Tenable Identity Exposure Features

Tenable Identity Exposure is a cutting-edge solution for protecting Active Directory (AD) and Azure Active Directory, offering continuous monitoring, vulnerability detection, and threat remediation in both cloud and on-premises environments.
Vulnerability DetectionSuccessful breaches often involve attacks on Active Directory exploiting vulnerabilities to escalate privileges, perform lateral movement, install malware, and exfiltrate data.
A key feature of Tenable Identity Exposure is automated vulnerability detection within AD configuration. This identifies potential attack vectors such as misconfigured access controls, risky delegations, and hidden permissions. The system conducts a comprehensive analysis of AD, uncovering vulnerabilities that traditional security tools may miss and providing recommendations for remediation.
Patch PrioritizationAfter detecting vulnerabilities, Tenable Identity Exposure allows for the prioritisation of fixes based on organisational risk. Critical incidents are highlighted first, aiding in swiftly and efficiently resolving such threats. The system also provides detailed instructions for vulnerability remediation, streamlining the fix process.
Real-Time MonitoringTenable Identity Exposure provides continuous monitoring of changes in AD, enabling rapid response to emerging threats. The system tracks all changes in real-time, including user additions, access control modifications, and other critical events, while also allowing security parameter management and configuration adjustments via dashboards. Additionally, security checks are conducted for Azure Active Directory, AWS Directory Service, and Google Managed Service in real-time mode.
This facilitates early-stage attack prevention before damage occurs. To enhance user experience, the solution visualises the entire AD infrastructure and each threat based on an attack timeline.
Attack DefenceTenable Identity Exposure detects vulnerabilities, tracks attack pathways and defends AD against breaches. It identifies attacks such as DCShadow, Brute Force, Password Spraying, DCSync, Golden Ticket, and others, aligning techniques and tactics with the MITRE ATT&CK framework in each incident. This assures organisations that their critical data and assets are reliably protected.
Agentless ApproachA distinctive feature of Tenable Identity Exposure is its agentless security approach. This system does not require agent installation on endpoints or using privileged accounts. Such an approach greatly simplifies system deployment and management while providing high protection.
Integration with Other Security ToolsThe system can be deployed both in cloud environments and locally within an organisation’s infrastructure, making Tenable Identity Exposure seamlessly compatible with other cybersecurity tools. Additionally, this solution enriches the SIEM and SOAR systems used in cybersecurity operations centres (SOCs) with information about attacks. This enables a comprehensive cybersecurity approach, consolidating data from various sources to ensure faster detection and more effective mitigation of cyber threatsAI and Machine Learning UtilizationThe system utilises artificial intelligence and machine learning for intelligent data analysis and anomaly detection. It allows the tool to predict potential threats and proactively mitigate them. Consequently, organisations can manage risks more effectively and ensure robust infrastructure protection.
Protection Against “Slow Attacks”Slow attacks, which initially appear as regular network activity, can provide attackers with valuable information quickly. These attacks often exploit user account passwords, thus requiring fewer passwords than the account lockout policy restricts, which any domain user can read.
One example of slow attacks is “password spraying.” In this scenario, users frequently use shared passwords across different environments. If an attacker obtains a full list of user account names from Active Directory, they can check each username against several common passwords. The key point is using fewer passwords than the account lockout policy restricts, which any domain user can also read.
Tenable Identity Exposure enables a deep analysis of all account processes, promptly identifying attacks like this.
Visualisation of Potential Attack PathsTenable Identity Exposure includes graphical visualisation functionality for potential attack vectors on objects within the Active Directory environment. Understanding the attack path enables the identification of necessary vulnerability fixes to prevent exploitation by malicious actors. Leveraging this technology allows for mapping security relationships within the Active Directory environment, predicting potential attack vectors, and safeguarding organisational assets.


Tenable Identity Exposure is a leading solution for safeguarding Active Directory (AD) and Azure Active Directory, offering continuous monitoring, vulnerability detection, and real-time attack protection. Key features of this tool include automated vulnerability detection, patch prioritisation, agentless approach, flexible deployment, integration with other security tools, and the utilisation of artificial intelligence for intelligent data analysis.
The solution is well-suited for organisations of any size seeking to protect Active Directory. To learn how Tenable Identity Exposure can help your organisation effectively manage risks and safeguard infrastructure assets, simply fill out the form on our website, and an IT Specialist will provide you with expert guidance on Tenable solutions

About Tenable Company

Tenable Inc. is an American company that has been providing cybersecurity solutions since 2002. Over 43,000 organisations have utilised the company's services, with its most renowned product being the Nessus threat scanner. IT Specialist is the sole Gold partner of Tenable in Ukraine, having undergone all necessary certifications and training and being authorised to sell Tenable products on favourable terms.