Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

Why does a modern business need to implement an SIEM system?

CyberNews дайджест. Червень – 1.

One of the conditions for a successful business is reliable information protection. Today, companies have a range of information security solutions at their disposal. These solutions include email and web traffic protection, firewall, antivirus, sandbox, etc.
Each of these security systems generates information about events. Unfortunately, collecting all this information into a single comprehensive picture is often impossible.It's just a necessity! Because with a comprehensive picture, it is possible to understand what is happening in the organization's IT infrastructure. And it is impossible to understand what is happening. In that case, effective cyber defense cannot be built because the cause-and-effect relationships between incidents and sources of attacks still need to be determined.
We only use the phrase "big picture" to demonstrate what is happening inside the infrastructure. It's worth noting that this picture is not static but dynamic because incoming data is continuously processed. A comprehensive picture is an opportunity to look at a business's entire IT infrastructure and see all the problem areas.To obtain such a comprehensive picture, so-called SIEM systems have been developed.
SIEM technology is very similar to a video surveillance system. Imagine a room with monitors that receive data from video cameras — a remote control with lights that signal doors or windows opening. In addition, there is a constant identification of who came through the door.
It is challenging for intruders to go undetected with such a video surveillance system. Likewise, with a properly functioning SIEM system, it will be tough for cyber criminals to penetrate a company's infrastructure and go undetected.
Cybersecurity is ineffective without a SIEM system. It's crucial to understand this for those companies that want to create reliable protection for their information and business.
A SIEM system collects and consolidates data about events occurring in disparate IT systems. In the continuous flow of this disparate data, the SIEM system detects individual events and incidents.
A SIEM is a set of programs constituting a single system that collects all kinds of information, processes it, and eventually provides generalized data.
Of course, the question arises: what sources of information are used to collect the data?
A SIEM system collects information from the following sources:
• network devices;• servers;• information about users;• network screens;• databases;• applications;• information about vulnerabilities.
The SIEM processes the received information according to a set of built-in rules and rules that the administrator can create independently. It directly indicates that the SIEM system is implemented and configured to meet the needs and goals of the company.
What happens next after the information has been collected and processed?
As an output, SIEM generates a Dashboard and reports and notifications about events occurring in the IT infrastructure.
Why is it essential to get information from a SIEM system?
A SIEM system provides early warning of developing problems or hacker attacks. It detects, responds quickly, and warns. This can significantly reduce the damage from hacker attacks, the spread of viruses, and equipment breakdowns. This system provides such simple and significant benefits, aren't they?
In addition, SIEM detects anomalies in the network, servers, and user behavior. SIEM allows you to see hidden malicious activity in the infrastructure. For example, one of the employees receives internal company information for their selfish purposes. Such a phenomenon is common in modern business. But it's okay if you implement a SIEM system in your IT infrastructure. It will help you get rid of such troubles very quickly.

The data in SIEM reports can be used to investigate incidents related to the company's information security.
To illustrate the operation of a SIEM system, we will share examples from our practice.

Representatives of a large bank contacted the company's leading experts. They faced the following problem: the bank's board suspected that one of its employees or an external hacker was using malware to access corporate information. This incident was a simple theft of confidential and essential information.


Imagine if this could happen in your company and with your data. What would be the damage and consequences of such an incident for your business?
this data, abnormal user behavior was detected. A more detailed analysis of the events revealed that user credentials were being used by malware. The attackers remotely controlled these programs. This is how corporate information was stolen.
The bank's specialists began to implement a set of measures to eliminate and prevent this incident. It was made possible by the fact that the bank's infrastructure had a SIEM system.

This example again demonstrates the similarity between a SIEM system and video surveillance, which we discussed above. Once this system was implemented, the cause of the incident was quickly identified, and security measures were taken.

A SIEM system is necessary for financial organizations, businesses with large IT infrastructures, and organizations with high information security or regulatory requirements.

Every bank needs to implement an SIEM system. As a reminder, National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Resolution No. 95 requires a bank's IT infrastructure to install an SIEM system.
IT Specialist will design and develop a solution for your business to implement an SIEM system and provide further support and maintenance.
Let us remind you once again of the most important thing!
Reliable information protection is a prerequisite for a successful business!Therefore, the sooner a SIEM system is implemented in the company's infrastructure, the faster the level of protection efficiency will increase.