Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

How the ISO/IEC 27001 Standard Helps Modern Businesses Grow

Як стандарт ISO/IEC 27001 допомагає розвиватися сучасному бізнес

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions about ISO/IEC 27001 certification from representatives of various business sectors. Take five minutes, and you will have the fundamental ISO/IEC 27001 information.
What is ISO/IEC 27001?
ISO/IEC 27001 is a jointly developed international standard for information security:1. International Organization for Standardization (ISO).2. МInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).Prepared for release by JTC Subcommittee SC27 of the Joint Technical Committee 1.The standard contains information security requirements for establishing, developing, and maintaining an Information Security Management System (ISMS). The ISO/IEC 27001 standard includes descriptions of the world's best practices in information security management.
The ISO/IEC 27001 standard provides companies of all sizes and industries with a guide to establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continuously improving information security management systems.
Implementing the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 helps business leaders answer the following questions:1. Which part of the IT infrastructure is most at risk?2. Which area of information security should be given special attention?3. How much time and money is required to complete the information security task?
The ISO/IEC 27001 standard was introduced in 1995 and has constantly evolved, improved, and gained popularity. Every year, more and more organizations are confirmed to comply with this standard. Thus, according to the ISO Survey 2021, the number of certificates issued in 2021 increased by 32% compared to 2020. The latest version of ISO/IEC 27001:2022 was released on 25 October 2022. We will discuss what updates this standard has received in the following article, which has already been published on the website.
What are the principles of ISO/IEC 27001?
This safety standard is based on three key principles:1. Confidentiality — only a certain number of people can access the information stored in the organization.2. Integrity of information — the data that an organization uses to conduct its business or stores for others is securely stored, not erased or damaged in any way.3. Data availability — the organization and its customers can access information when needed to meet business objectives and customer expectations.
Why is ISO/IEC 27001 essential for modern business?
With cybercrime on the rise and new threats emerging, managing cyber risk may seem difficult or impossible for many. However, the ISO/IEC 27001 standard helps organizations understand risks and proactively identify and address weaknesses, which helps improve cybersecurity.ISO/IEC 27001 offers a comprehensive approach to information security that integrates people, policies, and technology. An information security management system implemented by this standard is a powerful tool for managing risks, ensuring cyber resilience, and optimizing business processes.
Why does a business need to get ISO/IEC 27001 certification?
Implementing an information security management system as defined by ISO/IEC 27001 will help your business:● Reduce your vulnerability to the growing threat of cyber-attacks;● Respond to changing security risks promptly;● Ensure that assets such as financial statements, intellectual property, employee data, and information entrusted to third parties remain intact, confidential, and available when needed;● Provide centralized management of the system that ensures a unified approach to protecting all information;● Prepare people, processes, and technology across the organization to address technological risks and other threats;● Protect the information in all its forms, including paper, cloud, and digital data;● Save money by increasing efficiency and reducing the cost of ineffective security technologies.
If your company or organization is ISO/IEC 27001 certified, it demonstrates your business's high level of reliability, which naturally attracts new customers. Get certified and see it for yourself. For any bank, data center, IT company, or online business that works with large amounts of customer data, the ISO/IEC 27001 certificate is an essential sign that the company pays special attention to data security and protection. It is highly significant today, where hacker attacks happen every second!
Who needs ISO/IEC 27001?
Today, data theft, cybercrime, and liability for the leakage of confidential information are risks that all organizations, regardless of size or industry, need to consider. Every business needs to think strategically about its information security needs and understand how they relate to its objectives, processes, size, and structure.
The ISO/IEC 27001 standard enables organizations to establish an information security management framework, apply a risk management process tailored to their size and needs, and scale it up as needed. Information technology (IT) has the most significant number of ISO/IEC 27001 certificates (approximately one-fifth of all valid certificates, according to the ISO Survey 2021). However, the benefits of the standard are becoming increasingly recognized by companies operating in all sectors of the economy, including all types of services and manufacturing, as well as the financial sector.
Companies that use the holistic approach provided by ISO/IEC 27001 integrate information security into their organizational processes, information systems, and management controls. Applying this standard helps them increase their efficiency and take a leading position in their industries.
How to get ISO/IEC 27001 certification?
The first step is to contact a company that has certified auditors on its staff. The initial consultation will help you discuss all the details of ISO/IEC 27001 certification, formulate a price, and set the terms of certification.
To obtain the certificate, you need to go through three stages:
Stage one — preparation for the certification audit1. Define and approve the audit scope2. Conducting an audit of the current state of the ISMS3. Conducting an information risk analysis
Stage two — consulting support for the implementation of the ISMS1. Development of a package of internal regulatory documents to support the ISMS2. Development of project plans for ISMS implementation based on existing information systems and business processes3. Consulting support in the implementation of planned ISMS projects4. Development of a report on the results of the ISMS implementation analysis
Stage three — ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification audit1. Conducting an internal audit of the ISMS;2. Selection of a certification body;3. Consulting support of the ISMS certification procedure.
This is the leading information we wanted to convey to you to help you understand the importance of obtaining ISO/IEC 27001 certification. We advise you to get certified as soon as possible. Hopefully, you will be confident and not wait for hackers to convince you that ISO/IEC 27001 certification is essential.
IT Specialist offers services in preparation for ISO/IEC 27001 certification and further support for any business. IT Specialist has gathered a team of certified auditors with many years of experience.

We invite you to an initial consultation.