Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

IT Specialist received the prestigious "Best Project of the Year in the Public Segment" award!

ІТ Спеціаліст отримала нагороду - "Кращий проєкт року в державному сегменті"!

Every year, the well-known American company Fortinet determines the best partners, and in 2023, this recognition went to the IT Specialist team for their projects in the public sector.
Our team of specialists has worked hard to achieve this level, focusing all their efforts on development in the field of cyber defense. We have raised the bar in service delivery and implemented several complex projects, reaching new heights.

It helped us to gain recognition from Fortinet, and we are ready to continue developing our skills and knowledge to further achieve in this field.
Many thanks for the award! It is the best confirmation of the professionalism of our team! We are ready for new projects and challenges that await us. Together, we can reach incredible heights!