Secured integration to the future

Secured integration to the future

To start your day on a productive note, begin by dedicating some time to studying

Майстер-клас: секрети випікання найсмачніших млинців!

Yestarday, we held a webinar titled "Security Operation Center Automation Using IBM Solutions". Together with colleagues, Dmytro Petrashchuk, Andriy Chuenko, Viacheslav Silenko, and Yehor Skrynnyk covered many interesting and equally important topics:
● Solving the tasks of inventorying and enriching information about IT infrastructure for the Security Operation Center, using our ITS Inventory software product.● How to work with UseCase. Implementing a SOC based on IBM QRadar SIEM and how it helps us handle incidents.● How IBM products and technologies can solve one of the main problems of the SOC: fast and confident response to any cybersecurity incidents.● Results of IBM Security SOAR implementation.● How the new software product IBM Security's QRadar Log Insights helps companies better analyze events and respond quickly to incidents.
Over 70% of organizations have faced cyber incidents in one way or another over the past year. Therefore, companies should pay special attention to security to protect themselves from possible cyberattacks/threats.